About Us
Contents Restoration Services Australia offer both Water & Fire damage restoration services in both domestic and commercial situations. We pride ourselves on delivering high quality results with a minimum job life cycle, and are available 24/7. CRS are also committed to providing outstanding client service and at all times try to exceed expectations for customer care.
Our Values
CRS has a strong work ethic of honesty, transparency and delivering fast and excellent results. You can depend on CRS to deliver what we say we will and on time so you can enjoy the benefits of a quick job turnaround. You will also have a peace of mind due to our strong focus on ensuring we provide clear and regular communication.
Our People
CRS technicians and staffs has extensive experience in their area of responsibility and have enjoyed regular positive customer feedback. CRS personal were involved in the restoration of damaged properties in the 2010 storms in Victoria and Sydney, Brisbane floods in 2011, Moree and Riverina the great April 2015 ECL and storms in 2016 & 2017. The team includes specifically designed roles to ensure we can deliver quality service with a minimum job life cycle, from case management to customer service.
Training is important as we try and stay updated with what the latest teachings are in the industry. We attend IICRC accredited training courses.